
10th of November Message of General Manager...

We commemorate Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s seventy-fourth anniversary of passing away with the feeling of longing, love and gratitude.He is not only the leader who belongs  to Turkish history but also to the human history with his superior personality,leadership ability,pacifism,revolutions and his forecast which provides an insight into future.For that reason, 10th of November is the day of feeling proud of having a unique leader,glory of values which are added to the Turkish Republic by him and it is also the day of feeling loyalty to this values at the bottom of our heart. We, as the teachers and students of Turkish Education Association (TED schools), are honoured of being determined and volunteer defender of Turkish Republic’s principles and revolutions. My father, rest in peace.We have not forgotten you and we will never let you be forgotten.


Kind regards,


Sevinç Atabay

General Manager of TED


genel mudur