
Comenius Programı kapsamında öğretmen öğrencilerine ders veriyor.

Comenius provides opportunities for organisations, staff and learners involved in education and training across Europe to work together, learn from each others' expertise, and widen their experience of other cultures and languages.


What are the aims?


Specific objectives


  • To develop knowledge and understanding among young people and educational staff of the diversity of European cultures and languages and its value
  • To help young people acquire the basic life-skills and competences necessary for their personal development, for future employment and for active European citizenship

Operational objectives


  • To improve the quality and to increase the volume of mobility involving pupils and educational staff in different Member States
  • To improve the quality and to increase the volume of partnerships between schools in different Member States, so as to involve at least 3 million pupils in joint educational activities during the period of the programme
  • To encourage the learning of modern foreign languages
  • To support the development of innovative ICT-based content, services, pedagogies and practice in lifelong learning
  • To enhance the quality and European dimension of teacher training
  • To support improvements in pedagogical approaches and school management


What target public?


  • Pupils in school education up to the end of upper secondary education
  • Schools, as specified by Member States
  • Teachers and other staff within those schools
  • Associations, not-for-profit organisations, NGOs and representatives of those involved in school education
  • Persons and bodies responsible for the organisation and delivery of education at local, regional and national levels
  • Research centres and bodies concerned with lifelong learning issues
  • Higher education institutions
  • Bodies providing guidance, counselling and information services

Comenius Activities


07-10-2013 Hits:1257 Comenius