
Our Youngest Students Are Learning Doing Experiment…

Our  youngest  students  are learning doing experiment…

Our   youngest students,  at the age of 5 and 6 ,  have an opportunity to do an experiment  periodically under the guidance of their teachers in order  to  develop their thoughts, curiosity and observation skills and to raise creative individuals.They will be learning by doing and experience.


Timetable of  experimental design;


1st March, Friday: White Class Nazire Erol


Seasons and day and night

8th March, Friday: Daisy Class Makbule Durmaz

Experiment of wind speed

29th March, Friday: Blue Class Özlem Özer

Buoyancy of water


5th April,Friday : White Class Nazire Erol

Experiment of electrification

12th April, Friday: Daisy Class, Makbule Durmaz

The formation of main colours

19th April,Friday: Blue Class, Özlem Öz